Pet names - Willow

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- for the record i hate pet names

happy reading -

Hunter and I were sitting outside in the human realm. 

The trees were completely bare now, and there was no warm early fall breeze, just a cold wind that blew crunchy leaves around.

But we were both wearing warm clothes and both agreed that the early October weather wasn't too bothersome.

But we decided to take advantage of the enjoyable weather before it started snowing and it got too cold.

Hunter had his head in my lap, holding a Cosmic Frontier book over his face, reading quietly.

I had my eyes faced up towards the grayish blue sky. I really could never stress enough how unique I thought the human realm was.

It was so different to the Boiling Isles, but in the best, most amazing way.

I looked down at Hunter, his face covered by the.. colorful book cover. 

His hair spewed out in a few different directions in a blonde mess.

He set the book down open on his chest and looked up at me longingly. "Willow?"

I tipped my head down to him and smiled. "Hm?"

"Uh..." He went silent and just looked up at me as if he completely forgot what he was going to say.

"I forgot." He said, smiling.

Called it.

I started laughing. He was so cute.

"Why are you laughing at me?"

"I'm not laughing at you!" I told him, between bits of laughter.

The more it seemed I tried to stop laughing though, the more I found myself laughing uncontrollably. 

When I finally managed to stop laughing I looked back down at Hunter who was gazing at me silently.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked.

I felt little butterflies flutter around my stomach.

"Go for it."

With a quick nod of his head, he reached up and kissed me quickly.

He set his head back down on my lap and smiled at me.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"I don't know." And with that, he lifted his book back over his face and started reading again.

"Dork." I said under my breath.

He put his book back down. I don't think he was getting much reading in but he had read that book a million times.

"What did you say?"

I touched the pointed tips of my ears. "You have ears, you heard me."

He sat up straight and turned around to face me. "Oh no but they don't work too well because they're made out of wood, just say it a little louder."

I looked to my left, then to my right. Like anyone was around anyway. 

We were in a quiet forested area in the park where we had never seen anyone before.

I don't doubt that other people had been there but even now, the day was a little on the colder side and no one was even at the park.

I beckoned Hunter a little closer and spoke in a quiet, hushed voice. "I called you a big dork."

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