The question - Hunter

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- sorry about how i ended the last chapter, i thought it would be fun to see how yall would react

anyway I was just wondering what people wanted me to do for the 60k reads special, and what you guys wanted to see from that. 


Willow and I sat against the dresser for a bit together before she got back up and started walking around, adding her finishing touches to her flyer derby outfit, or finishing packing her bag.

I stayed leaning against the wooden piece of furniture for a few minutes just watching her.

When she seemed to be done and ready, she tread over to me lightly and took my face in her hands, squishing it as if I was one of those stress toys.

She smiled at me, and I smiled back. What else was I supposed to do? What else would I have wanted to do?

"Hunter.." Willow said softly. 

"Willow." I whispered back, matching her soft, loving tone.

She put one hand on the dresser next to me and slipped the other one up my back so she could kiss me, ever so gently.

It only lasted a moment but I knew Willow had to leave soon anyway. It was her last game of the season and I could tell she was excited for it.

I was excited for it too, as I was every game.

I didn't have too much time to play flyer derby anymore, at least not on a highly competitive team like Willow. She really was amazing. But still, I made sure I made it to every one of her games I could.

I always tell her not to forget me when she's a famous flyer derby player-- the kind that kids look up to, and she always responds with silence and a perplexed expression.

I really do think that she's easy to look up to. She could be a role-model to so many people if she keeps going where she's going.

Why not? She was my role-model. I looked up to her, even though I was taller than her and technically she had to look up to me. I love Willow in a way that is so hard to explain, but so much easier to explain in my head.

Everything was easier to say in my head. I wished everyone could read my mind. ... That was also a horrible, messy idea.

Willow started to walk towards the door and I started to pull myself off the dresser to follow her when she suddenly turned on her heel, dug her hands into the hair on the side of my head and kissed me again, and a few more times before turning back and walking out like nothing happened.

I had to stand there and just breathe for a moment before I was able to regain feeling in my legs and follow her out.

When I caught up to her, I took her hand. I liked the feel of her hand in mine. Or maybe it was the feel of my hand in hers. I just like holding hands with her. Always will.

As we walked, I started to fix my hair. Willow had a tendency to mess up my hair whenever she got the chance. Not like I minded though.

I stopped trying to fix my hair, and I just left it messy for the time being. Willow noticed me and giggled, pointing out my prominent new hair-do.

"Hunter- your hair." She said, trying to laugh subtly.

I swept a tendril of blonde hair out of my face with my hand and gave her an innocent look. "What? The hair that you did? I like it."    

"Hunter, you goober, fix your hair." Willow said promptly. She had a smile on her face but I could tell it irked her slightly.

"Aaand what if I don't?" I asked with a smug look on my face. 

You Never Did Mention Shananagins - Huntlow🌻Where stories live. Discover now