You Never Did Mention Shenanigans

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"When you find the right people, it's easier to find yourself too. When I found you guys, everything changed for the better. Without you, who even am I? Without each other, what are we supposed to do? It's good to be here with you, and I'm savoring every last moment."

"Luz, it's just Dinner. We have these every Friday." Camila said, leaning back in her chair.

Vee laughed a bit, and Luz frowned. sitting back down in her chair next to Amity.

King was struggling to sit correctly, since he had just recently grown out of his highchair, now sitting at the table next to Eda and Raine. 

"Luz, did you ever join a drama class in high school?" Hunter asked, taking a big drink of his water and raising an eyebrow. Willow gave him an interesting side glance.

"She tried." Camila said with a smirk, looking over at Luz.

"Look, if the director wasn't a vegetarian I would've gotten the lead role!" Luz argued. 

Luz was glad to be out of high school. She had been for a while now, and she was grateful for it every day. She had actually been out for a... while now. She just hated it so much she couldn't help but be grateful over the fact she hadn't had to go to high school for the past almost ten years now.

Camila hummed a skeptical mhm as she smiled.

Eda raised a glass of apple blood dully. "Ehh, she's a better witch anyway. Who needs actors?"

Lilith gave a quick nod of agreement, sitting straight up in her chair, her posture the exact opposite of her sister's, who was slouched over the table, two glasses of apple blood in, Darius grimacing at her from across the table.

Gus gasped, shaking his head. "Everyone needs actors. How else would Matty and I watch Twilight??" 

Now Luz was the once grimacing across the table, Gus' words reminding her of her dreaded Twilight faze. Who knew she would end up with a witch and not a vampire?

 "I'm sure you'll be alright, Gus." Willow replied.

Gus pointed his fork at Willow, narrowing his eyes at her. "Don't talk to me, you don't even watch TV."

"I watch sometimes with Hunter when I have time."

Hearing his name, Hunter's ears perked up a bit. He swallowed his food and started talking. "She always falls asleep halfway through the movie."

Willow whipped her head around to Hunter, looking slightly betrayed. "Yeah, 'cause none of us have the time to watch shark documentaries at midnight, especially when we get woken up in the middle of the night constantly anyway."

Tears filled Hunter's eyes as he made puppy eyes at Willow. "But... you told me everyone has time for shark documentaries.." 

Willow pat him on the back carefully, rolling her eyes a bit. There was a lot of eye-rolling at the dinner table. "It's alright honey, I'm sorry."

"Kinsley just got out of her waking up in the middle of the night faze." Amity said, leaning against the table. Luz gave a relieved smile just thinking about it.

Camila looked over at Amity as she spoke now. "Luz never really had an issue with sleeping when she was a baby. She was always pretty content"

Darius shook his head. "I hate children. Most of them. Some of them are acceptable." 

Alador, who was sitting on the other side of Amity, gestured over to Darius with a nod. "It's true. He came over to the manor once when Amity was a toddler, and had a fit."

You Never Did Mention Shananagins - Huntlow🌻Where stories live. Discover now