Painbow - Willow

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- Dude my Wattpad just turned weird help

- Dude my Wattpad just turned weird help

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Anyone else??😭

happy reading -

Gus, Amity and I were over at Camila's house playing board games in the living room.

Today was Hunter's birthday and we spent the day talking and playing flyer derby. Too bad I had to go home soon.

Suddenly, I got a text from my dad. I pulled out my scroll and read it over a few times.

Hey Willow, there's a painbow
forming over by the ribs- I
to Augustus' dad and
he said it's 
due to be a big one. 

Are you and papa okay?

Yeah we're alright, we just
don't want to risk you coming
 home while it's still out. 

Can you ask Camila if it's okay
for you to stay over until it's over?

Yeah I'll ask her. Ttys

I put my scroll away nervously. Painbows were sort of a rare accurance but they were pretty dangerous.

Obviously, due to me still being alive I've never never seen one before but it sounded pretty scary.

Luz looked at her phone and sighed. "There's gonna be a big storm coming through, you guys should probably get home."

I shook my head. "We kindaa... Can't."

Vee raised an eyebrow slightly at me.

"My dad just texted me and said there's a painbow forming. He doesn't want me back in the Boiling Isles until it ends."

Gus nodded, looking down at his scroll. "My dad too."

Amity put her scroll away. "Ed and Em texted me the same thing."

Luz stood up, knocking over her game piece.

"Okay then, I guess we're having a sleepover." She looked over at a digital clock sitting on a table across the room. "It was getting late anyway- do you guys want to get some clothes to use as pajamas and then have dinner?"

Although in the back of my mind I was a little worried for my dads, dinner sounded good.

"I definitely have clothes for you," Luz told Amity. "Gus I don't think Hunter has anything that will come close to fitting you so I probably have something for you."

Gus seemed fine with that. Luz looked over at me. "And Willow I might have something for you too."

Vee and Hunter stayed in the living room while Luz led the rest of us upstairs to get clothes.

Luz slid her closet door open and started digging through it. She mumbled something about not having cleaned it in a while and held a small T-shirt up.

It was blue with a weird looking half-fish half-human girl on the front.

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