Babysitting - Willow

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- Okay so because I'm simply terrified for this to end and for me to have nothing else to do with my life, I've been adding and taking away different chapters in my planner chapter and I just want to say, I finally stopped doing that.

So yeah it's all set up, very slayful

happy reading : ] - 

I was sitting on the couch in the living room reading a book I found on the shelf in the hallway.

I wasn't familiar with it so I decided to read it.

Clover was sitting on my shoulder, probably fast asleep.

Clover didn't like reading, and she didn't like it when I read. She really like being active, or sleeping everything off. There was no inbetween

She had to be flying everywhere, playing flyerderby with me or trying to convince Emmaline to be active.

Emmaline hated being active. She only  liked sleeping.

When Stringbean was around however, it was a different story. Stringbean was always moving around, she was an unstoppable force, much like Luz.

"Hey Willow, can I talk to you for a second?" Papa asked, sitting down on the couch next to me.

I closed my book, eager to put it down. It wasn't that good anyway.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Well your dad and I are going out with your aunt and uncle for lunch today, and you know they just adopted their kid, and they can't find a sitter on such short notice so we were just wondering if you could watch her today?"

My little cousin Cerah had just been adopted by my aunt and uncle who couldn't have biological kids of their own.

I had met her a few times, and I enjoyed having a little cousin. She was only four though, so she couldn't watch herself.

And I would gladly babysit.

"Of course!" I said happily. 

I set my book to the side and Clover buzzed with the same happiness as me.

Around an hour later, my aunt and uncle came over to drop off Cerah, and then my parents and them left.

Cerah seemed pretty happy to see me, and gave me a big hug.

I liked kids, they were easy to get along with. I especially liked it when they tried to say words with letters they couldn't pronounce yet.


Cerah was a chubby toddler (like most toddlers) with strawberry blonde curls, freckles, brown eyes and short pointed ears. My aunt adored her like no one else.

I'm not sure if it's normal for mothers to coddle their four-year-olds like a new born baby but I thought it was nice.

But anyway, her mother had dropped off a bag of Cerah's favorite stuffed animals, games and things to do.

She said it was hard for Cerah to be away from her so she needed to be content and distracted.

Easy enough.

"Wiwwo? Can we do dis puzzow?" She asked, holding up a puzzle box with a snorse on the front to me.

"Of course Cerah! have you done that puzzle before?"

She nodded her head at me. "Yeah, it's my favowite."

We sat down on the living room floor and set up the puzzle pieces on the coffee table. 

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