Giant rat worms - Willow

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- So I just found out I won't be able to write from March 25th to April 3rd, I really hope thats okay.

Happy reading! :) -

I held my hand out to Hunter, waiting patiently at the door.

He took it and smiled weakly. I remember him telling me once that he usually couldn't sleep very well. It explained the eyebags of the eyes bags under his eyes.

"You look tired." I said.

"Oh really?" He replied with a yawn.

I giggled. "Yeah."

He rubbed his eyes and smiled a little wider. "I couldn't even tell."  

I lifted his hand up and kissed it. "Well good morning. Again." 

"Goodmorning." He paused and blinked his eyes a few times. "Again."

Before we stepped out of the room, Gus came cartwheeling down the hallway with the speed of sonic the heckin' hedgehog.

  I took an alarmed step back as he rammed into a wall, falling flat on the ground and laughing. 

I approached him and looked down at his smiling face. "What are you doing?" I asked.

In a split second, Mattholomule came racing down the hallway, slipping in different directions clumsily. 

He ran head first into the wall, landing on his face next to Gus.

"Titan, what are you guys doing?" I asked, standing up straight and staring at them puzzled.

Matt stood up and fixed his hair, pulling Gus up from the floor. "We were bored so we were impersonating giant rat worms." The two of them dusted themselves off as Matt continued talking. 

"Although I don't think there has ever been a record of a giant rat worm doing cartwheels before." 

"I'm a special kind of rat worm." Gus stated, crossing his arms over his chest defensively.

"They don't even have arms." Matt argued back to him. "How can they do cartwheels if they don't have arms??" He threw his hands up in the air.

Gus moved his hands to his hips and posed sassily. "I'm a girly pop rat worm."

"Please stop saying that." Hunter said, walking up being me.

"Girly pop, girly pop, girly pop. I'm so girly pop!" Gus sang.

His voice cracked and Matt covered his ears. Gus reached out and grabbed his wrists, moving them away from his head. "You don't like my singing??" He asked.

Matt pushed him away with a laugh. "Nah, I could listen to that all day long."

"Good, because that's the plan." Gus replied, vocalizing in a high pitched voice, causing Matt to flinch.

I tore him away from Matt. "I think you're going to make him go deaf, Gus."

"Not my fault I'm such a good singer people go deaf at the sound of my voice."

Hunter grimaced. "I don't think that's why people are going deaf."

Gus jumped on him and they fell to the floor in a heap of laughter. 

I stood back and smiled at them. They were as close as brothers but laughed together like lifelong friends. I had also noticed Gus seemed to have more energy once we had gotten back to the demon realm.

None of us know what's going to happen with the collector but I knew he was just happy to be home. I was too, so it was strange for me to admit that I did, in fact miss the human realm terribly. 

I almost felt homesick although it's nowhere close to my actual home. I was home now. We all were.

I had once read a sign in a human store called Khol's, that said "home is not a place, but a people."

I remembered my first impression of that sign. First of all, that grammar is not anywhere close to correct, second of all, I guess it has... some sort of meaning to it. 

But it didn't matter, my home was always going to be the Boiling isles, despite everything.

Skara walked around the corner and waved all of us over to her. "Oh good! You're all awake! C'mon we're going to continue planning for the collector's defeat!"

Suddenly, the mood changed from playful and happy to a serious, uh, oh feeling. 

"Griffin egg, anyone?" Viney asked, placing a plate of griffin eggs onto the table, where everyone sat together. And by everyone I meant Luz, Amity, Gus, Mattholomule, Skara, Viney, Hunter and me. I had no idea if that was enough people to defeat the collector. I mean, he's a god. 

I looked around at everyone. I did have faith in everyone. We were all so powerful in our own, unique ways.

Gus is an amazing illusionist, and he's energetic and relentless. He's taken down a coven head before. I knew he was going to do great, fighting whoever.

Amity was already powerful when we were kids but she's grown so much in several different ways, she's a team player now. I think I like her better that way.

Despite being a human, Luz had already fought Belos twice, and has done some actual damage. I couldn't imagine what my life would've ended up like if I had never ran into her in the forest that day.

And Hunter. Hunter has grown the most. He can use a real staff now. He's emotional and kind, even if he's not used to it. He had to adjust so much to not being in the emperors coven, I felt so bad that he went through so much.

I think we were going to be okay. We had a good team.

We all made a good team.

And I loved my team. They were my home. Because, "Home is not a place, but a people." 


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