Look alike - Hunter

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There was this girl in my honors english class who would always stare at me.

I never wanted to assume anything but it was starting to get annoying. Like really annoying.

She sat across from me in the makeshift table out teacher made out of four different desks. 

I didn't know why you couldn't just get a table instead of using a bunch of little tables. It seemed like a waste of money.

But today, the other two people who sat at the table with us were gone.

That was too bad because I relied on them when I needed a useless conversation to escape the girl with a staring problem.

I kept staring at the clock, praying to the titan class would go off without a hitch.

But then of course, there she was again.

She had her elbow propped up on the table and was balancing her chin on her hand. Staring. 


"Why do you do that?" I asked her.

She seemed slightly offended by the question but I didn't care all that much.

"Why do I do... what?" She replied, blinking.

I think that was the first time I ever saw her actually blink.

I moved my hand over my face in a quick gesture. "It's been a week sitting at this table and every single day you're staring at me. So I was wondering if you just had an issue?"

She moved some hair out of her face and began talking.

"Heh. No. No issues here. You just look..." She paused. "Oddly familiar. Like I feel like I've seen you before."

"Well, I do happen to live here and also- I know it's crazy but I also go to school here."

She let out a long sigh. "Mhmm.. That's not what I mean. I feel like your face is like.. plastered on a statue or something somewhere.."

Suddenly it hit me. The statue of Caleb and Philip down by the park. I was literally Caleb, of course she would recognize me.

We had the same face, hair and even bone structure. The only difference is that I came out of the ground and he came from an actual person like a real human.

(Which I just recently had the misfortune of learning about in my health class)

She snapped her fingers and subtly started typing something into her phone so the teacher wouldn't see it.

"Ah! The statue of Gravesfield, of the Wittebane brothers. You look exactly like the taller one." She glanced back up at me. "You're pretty tall too."

I had to make up an excuse, and quick.

"Oh, haha, yeah I'm just... uh I'm related to them, they're my great, great... great......?"

I trailed off. I got nothing.

"Anyway, I don't look too much like them, how did you even draw that conclusion?"

She squinted her eyes at me and raised her shoulders up to shrug.

"Anyway, if that was really true we'd be related 'cuz Caleb Wittebane is my great, great, great uncle. And I don't think I've seen you at any family reunions."

Okay well that was wrong. Caleb's kid was a witch, and that kid stayed on the Boiling Isles and had witch kids. Unless this human happened to be a witch, she wasn't a Wittebane.

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