Wedding planner - Hunter

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- i fell off a swing last night and broke my finger 

ok thank you for listening to my TED talk

happy reading -

Luz had done a ton of digging on what a wedding was supposed to be like. She had been in Eda and Raines, but that was a smaller wedding and had more Boiling Isles traditions.

She knew she wanted King to be the flower boy, and Amity already picked out Emira as her maid of honor.

Now Luz was complaining because she wasn't sure if her maid of honor should be Vee, her sister, or Willow her best friend, who she's known for longer.

Mom told her it didn't matter, as the other could be a bridesmate anyway, Vee seconded this, and said either of them would be happy to be in the wedding either way.

"We're just happy for you guys, Luz." Vee assured her.

I have to admit, helping Luz plan a wedding was hard. She wasn't like a- what was the term? She wasn't like a "bridezilla" or anything, she was just difficult.

Her and Amity agreed that they were in this together every step of the way and that their wedding would be, "the best wedding ever".

I wouldn't underestimate them either, I knew they would make that happen.

Luz ended up deciding on Willow for her maid of honor. And Vee was delighted to be a bridesmate. 

King argued he was too old now to be Luz's flower boy so Luz changed it to ring bearer. 

But then they didn't have a flower girl or boy, and King had a change of heart and insisted that he would be the best option for a flower boy.

He insisted he would be both ring bearer and flower boy -- best of both things.

They wanted to invite everyone they knew to the wedding. 

This did include Odalia, who got an invite but Amity wasn't sure she was going to even go.

Even Bocsha was invited, since she had made amends with everyone in the group.

The wedding was taking place at the same tree that grew on grom night, and it made for a beautiful venue. That choice was one of the easiest to make for Luz and Amity.

Vee, Mom, Luz, Amity and I were all sitting at the kitchen table. I looked at the time on my phone and stood up. "Okay, I gotta go, I'm meeting up with Willow."

As I was walking by her, Luz grabbed my hood and stopped me. "Hey, ask Willow if she wants to be my maid of honor please."

"Of course she wants to." I told her. 

"Ask. Please." Luz said, letting my hood go.

"Okay, okay. See you guys later."

Amity waved dully at me, concerning herself with the checklist she had in front of her.

"Bye Hunter! Ten cuidado, te amo!" Mom yelled as I walked out the door.

"Te amo!" I yelled back.

I walked somewhat peacefully through Bonesburrough until I got to Willow's house. 

She opened the door before I could even knock on that.

"How do you always do that?" I asked.

This was a serious question. How did she always manage to open the door, just as I reached up to knock.

"Girlfriend intuition. Come in!" She that like it was a totally normal thing.

I walked in and as she closed the front door. "No, I'm actually serious."

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