Accepting the Merchant's Challenge

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"He wants you to WHAT?!" Jack had asked Hazel.

"For three days, I have to do some part-time work in the lounge for him as a singer and receive complements from 100 people, starting tomorrow, otherwise he's gonna find a way to transfer me to Octavinelle, and I'm pretty sure that's what he'll blackmail with the Headmaster if I don't meet the end of the deal. It sounds easier said than done since I have to do it after school. At least tomorrow is Friday, and the lounge is still open Sunday and Saturday. Rather than power, it seems he wants me in general."

"I get that all the other guys on campus would want you to themselves, but it seems he's taking it to a new level." Jack said. "There's probably a reason he's targeting you. But why?"

"That I don't know, but I accepted the challenge." Hazel said earning concern from her classmates.

"But aren't you worried?" Grim asked.

"A little to be honest, but I think there's one thing he doesn't know about me.  I had to help my community with mystic business people to recover after the war for a while. And during that time, I learned how to find loopholes in contracts. I'll be able to handle it myself." Hazel grinned.

"Well, if Haze was able to find a way to destroy the dark lord, that octopus should be child's play for her. There's no doubt in my mind." Ace said.

"Well, if it means enduring this pain for a little longer, I'll support you Hazel." Deuce agreed.

"Yay! We'll be free soon!" Grim cheered.

Jack looked like he gained a thoughtful look, as if he knew that Azul would do anything to win, and decided on something.


The next day after school, Hazel left for Mostro Lounge to get ready. 

"Ah~Hello there lionfish. You got here early." Floyd said as they were just getting ready to open up the lounge.

"Well, I had to be early back in my previous school. Not to mention it was easy for newcomers to get lost on some of the floors, since the staircases randomly change." Hazel said as she went to her dressing room.

Coming out in the same dress as last time, the audience was packed. She half-way expected for only a couple of people to come, but rumor probably spread that she was singing in the lounge, and she already got around 59 complements on her singing after her shift was over. 

Azul was pleased that business was bustling, but was also worried at the same time. 59 complements on her singing already and it may increase further by the next day. He began to figure he should limit the number of guests that could enter the lounge. But right now...

"Jade, Floyd. Have Hazel meet me in the V.I.P. room."



Hazel found herself back in the V.I.P. room, wondering what he could possibly want now. 

"Why did you summon me Azul?"

"What's wrong with just wanting to chat my dear?" Azul said as he patted the seat right next to him with a 'seductive' smile. Hazel was suspiciuous at this but sat down anyway.

"Though to be honest, I wanted to ask you more about that song you sang the other day. The one passed in your family?"

"......Well, some people consider it as a legend, but few belive it really happened.

Besides, You think we just make up these stories on the spot? The one who started this story was Ignotius' son after he received the cloak and family title. Since then, the story and the cloak have been passed on for generations, and we've always died of old age. Though an average Mystic's life span is 3 times that of a muggles'." Hazel said.

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