Fairy Gala Aftermath

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Though they were impressed, the dorm leaders couldn't believe that Hazel thought of doing something so simple as giving the queen a replacement tiara.

Though they silently followed Hazel into town and she was greeted by the town kids. Ad she saw that one kid was reading by himself while one of the other kids looked upset.

"Is something wrong?" Hazel asked.

"I wanted to Jim to come play, but he said no." One little boy said.

"Did you ask him nicely?" Hazel asked, causing him to shake his head.

Hazel then smiled and spoke. "Earlier, some friends of mine tried to do something else by force and they nearly got in trouble, but I fixed it with a persuasion. And, it reminded me of a story. Would you like to hear it?"

The kids around her stopped playing, and huddled around a bench as Hazel sat down.

"I'll take that as a 'yes'." She smiled. "Alright, the story's called 'The North Wind and The Sun'. For a long, long time many, many years ago, The North Wind and The Sun always argued who was the dominant force of the sky. Finally, they decided to settle it with a contest. They both spotted a traveler wearing a coat who passing by. The one who could get his coat off would be the winner. The North Wind went first by blowing as hard as he could. But it only caused the traveler to get a tighter grip on his coat to keep warm. Then it was the Sun's turn and he shone a nice, warm ray of sunshine on the traveler. As a result, the traveler felt hot in his coat, and he took it off. And that day, the Wind learned when you're warm, sunny, and persuasive, people are more likely to do what you want than by force." Hazel said as she finished the story.

At that Hazel turned her attention to the two peculiar boys, and this time, Jim was asked nicely and he did play with them. 

"Well, my work here's done." Hazel said as she headed off to Mortishackle.

Well, at least now the boys knew why Hazel decided on giving a gift to the Fairy Queen. While they tried to take it like the Wind, she was the Sun and managed to get back the gem without causing trouble.


This is the aftermath chapter! 

What do you think was the soulmates thoughts on the story and the understanding why she gave the gift to the Fairy Queen?

Plz comment and stay safe!

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