Chapter 11

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3rd POV:

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3rd POV:

El and Ivy closed their eyes, wanting to get away from the scary sight and find Will. They channelled all their thoughts into finding him and they felt the air around them shift. When they opened their eyes they noticed that Barb was gone but their was something different there now.

The two of them turned around and saw Castle Byers.

"'Castle Byers'" El said aloud and she repeated it in the real world for the others to hear. It immediately caught Jonathan and Joyces' attention.

Ivy and El hold their hands tighter than before as they walk towards Castle Byers, a little worried about what they may find. In the real world you could see the two's grip on each other get tighter.

They enter the little hut and see a small body curled up on the bed shivering with his back to them. El and Ivy kneel down beside him before calling out his name.

"Will." They both say at the same time in the void and in the real world. This catches Joyce's attention straight away.

"You tell him...tell him I'm coming. Mum is coming." Joyce says.

"Your mum...she's coming for you." El tells Will.

"Hurry." Will weakly says. His voice carried through Eleven and came out of the speaker for everyone in the real world to hear.

"Okay. Listen, you tell him stay where he is. We're coming. We're coming, okay? We're coming, honey." Joyce says.

"Just...just hold on a little longer." El says.

"Ivy?" Will asks, wondering if she was there.


"See you soon." He says, hoping his mum would get there soon and he could meet his new friend and this other girl that was helping him but he didn't know her name.

"Will. Will." The two girls called out when they noticed him start to dissipate into a fog.

"Will? Will!" El shouts out in worry for him, not knowing why he disappeared when she didn't want him to. She controls it.

El wrapped her arms around her legs and pulled them up to her chest. Ivy knelt beside her and pulled her into her arms, wanting her to know she is safe.

Her whimpering comes through the radio before she shoots up in the pool and moves straight for the edge being wrapped up in Joyce's arms.

"Oh, okay, okay." Joyce says as she pulls Eleven closer to her.

Ivy takes her goggles off and leans in a little closer to Hopper, wanting some comfort but not knowing how to ask for it.

What she didn't realise was that when she opened her eyes they were new their usual green, they were orange. It only lasted a second before it went away again.

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