Chapter 45

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(Date outfit up top)

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(Date outfit up top)

3rd POV:

At quarter to 11 they headed back to the Middle School to pick up the kids. When they got to the school they waited for the kids to come out so they started to talk to each other about the movie. When they saw them come out they quickly kissed, but not quick enough as they still got comments from the kids as they took them home. Mike and Lucas' parents were there. Hopper and Joyce were there for El and Will. Ivy and Steve were there for Max and Dustin.

When they all had the kids in their cars they drove them all home and then went back to their houses to go to bed.

At 2am Ivy had a knock on her window. She was struggling to sleep, like usual, so she wasn't asleep. She went and opened the window and saw Steve there.

"Can I stay here? I don't want to be alone." He says as his parents are out of town, again.

Ivy ushers him in and he climbs in, stealthy like a ninja. Ivy gets into bed and Steve gets in behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her to him.

"Night." He says.

"Night." She says.

They both finally got to sleep after they were both struggling before. They both find it easier to sleep together, almost as if they ward off each other's nightmares.


When they woke up the next morning they saw no point in hiding it. Hopper knows that Steve stays over sometimes and he knows that it helps Ivy with her nightmares so he doesn't have a problem with it. Steve walked out of Ivy's room with her to grab some breakfast. They were the first ones up so they both got to making breakfast, wanting to do something for Hopper.

They decided on bacon, eggs, beans and French toast.

They cooked almost everything really quickly, the last thing to cook was the bacon. Ivy always cooks it last because it seems to be the smell that pulls everyone into the kitchen and she has done it before where she cooked it earlier and got complaints about the food not being ready.

Just as she suspected, when the bacon went in the frying pan El and Hopper came out of their rooms.

"Breakfast?" El asks.

"Yeah, take a seat." Ivy tells her.

Steve was setting the table and getting out the drinks while Ivy was cooking the bacon.

"Is that bacon I smell?" Hopper called out.

"Yeah, we made breakfast." Ivy says.

Hopper comes out of his room, bidding a good morning to everyone in the room, including Steve.

"When did you get here, Steve?" Hopper asks.

"I came over this morning. I hate being at home when no one else is there, it's too quiet." He says, not knowing how Hopper would react to him staying over now that he knows that Ivy and himself are dating.

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