Chapter 48

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3rd POV:

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3rd POV:

The new year had come and gone and now they were onto the Birthday seasons. The first birthday was El's on 19th February. They had all the kids over and they had an ice cream cake for her, it was strawberry, her favourite. She loved every second of the day. The cake, the presents, the waffles. It was all the best for her.

She got a lot of things for her birthday, a lot of them were decorations for her room or toys from the other kids. One of her favourite presents was a beginners Dungeons & Dragons manual as she knows that the boys love playing it and they always said they wanted her to play it with them.

After El's Birthday it was Ivy's. Her birthday was the 11th March. She mostly had a chill out day. They had cake, which was her personal favourite thing of the day. She opened presents from everyone and they all watched movies. She told everyone she didn't want gifts because she isn't used to it and Christmas was more than enough but none of them listened to her and she was still littered with gifts.

Her favourite gift was the gift card she was given from Hopper to the movies. He knows she loves going to watch movies and now she can go a few times for free. She is so excited, she is already planning what movies her and Steve are going to see in the year, she has a list.

The kids came over, as did Joyce, Jonathan and Nancy. She got little things from every one which she didn't mind. She got decorations, pictures, a little bit of money, clothes, shoes and a few other things. The best part was the dinner. They ordered pizza's, one of Ivy's favourites, and all pigged out while watching her favourite movies.

After Ivy's Birthday came Steve's on 29th of April. Steve really didn't want anything too big but he was a part of the Hopper family now so he doesn't get much of a choice in that. His parents were off on another work trip and so he would have spent his birthday alone which he had done before but Ivy wouldn't let that happen. She called Steve over the day before and he stayed the night. During the night Hopper and El set up some decorations for him in the house. They wanted to give him a nice birthday because he doesn't seem to have many good birthday memories.

When they all got up in the morning, Hopper had been making pancakes for breakfast, Steve's favourite, and when they came out of Ivy's room Steve just stopped. He was shocked at the effort they all went to for him. He had never smiled so big or so much before. He turned around and pulled Ivy into a hug, swinging her around and then he went over to Hopper and hugged him and El and pulled her up into a hug.

It was such a happy day for the family. Everyone else came over later on and they all gave Steve presents. He had a chocolate birthday cake, his favourite, and Chinese for dinner. It was the best birthday he had ever had and it made him appreciate the people around him a lot more and it made him realise that they do care about him and that he is a big part of their family.

His favourite gift was the birthday itself but also the new bat Ivy got him. This time it was metal but it had nails through it like his wooden one. Ivy and El had used their powers to get the nails through the steel without an issue, making quite the deadly weapon. He was so happy with it and now he had two of the bats and they both already have quite the story behind them.

The next birthday on the list was Hopper's. His Birthday was on the 10th August. The girls and Steve got up early and decorated the house for him. Ivy went to the kitchen and got started on making breakfast and when Steve and El were done decorating they came over and helped. They all shouted 'Happy Birthday' to Hopper when he came out of his room. He looked just as shocked at Steve did on his birthday. He came over to them all in the kitchen and wrapped them up in a big group hug. He had been alive for a long time and it had been years since anyone had cared enough to do anything like this.

It was hard for them to find out his birthday as he refused to tell them. They had to sneak into the Police Station, get into his office and look through his files until they found his one from when he was younger. That is how they found out his birthday which is what made it a double surprise.

Ivy had made a full English for Hopper, knowing he loves everything on the plate and just how greasy all the food is, and just this once she is letting him get away with it without a lecture. They all tucked in to their food and Hopper kept giving Ivy compliments on her cooking. Hopper has always said that she should pursue a culinary career because she is damn good at cooking and she makes the most creative dishes or she creates something completely new. He loves to be the one to try out her new creations.

After dinner they all go into the living room and chill out, watching movies after all of the food they had consumed. They were all a little stuffed.

Just after midday, just like everyone else's, the others all came over and they celebrated Hoppers birthday. Steve and Ivy had gone out the day before and had gotten all the ingredients to make Hopper a cake. Ivy made him a hamburger looking cake and she was very proud of it.

Hop opened all his presents and he loved each and everyone of them. A lot of the kids made him something and he was very thankful, finding the gesture very sweet. His favourite was from Ivy and El and it was two pictures one was of everyone together on Ivy's birthday and the other was of the three of them together on El's birthday. The picture showed them all having a good time which was a nice change as at least once a year they have to fight for their lives. They were pictures of his new family and he couldn't be more thankful to have them, god knows where he would be without them.

Ivy and Steve went into the kitchen to get the cake and when they brought it out it made Hopper laugh just seeing it. With it in front of him he realised just how much effort went into this cake and he just knew that Ivy had made it. He blew out the candles and pulled Ivy into a hug, and then Steve knowing the boy defiantly tried to help. They cut up the cake and everyone loved it, all quite surprised that it was homemade.

After cake they went out to get burgers and brought them back to the cabin. They all settled in with their burgers and chips to watch movies together. Ending the birthday like they had with all the others.

It went like that for the rest of the birthdays but most of the time for the kids they had to go over to their houses instead of all coming to the cabin.


Summer: 1985

It had turned to Summer and Ivy was really hating the heat. She knows she has the ability to manipulate fire but she can't feel the heat of that, the heat of the sun is something she can feel and she hates it.

Steve had decided that they should get summer jobs to pass the time in the summer and earn some money. He never told Ivy that it was because he had applied to a lot of colleges and he had been rejected from all of them. He doesn't understand why because he has good grades, the only thing that wasn't that good was his letter to them. He didn't know what to say because he is still a little unsure on what he wants to do in life as a career. 

Over the last few months there had been a Mall being built and so that is where they went to find a job.

It was called Starcourt Mall. Ivy had a bad feeling about the place but she can't figure out why. Maybe she'll tell Steve about it later on.

They applied to a few shops in the Mall and they had both gotten an interview for the ice cream place. They thought that would be the best place because the kids love their ice cream and that way they can keep an eye on them.

They both went to the interview, even though their was only one position open, but both impressed the manager so much that they both got a job there. There was one other person that they were going to be working with but they wouldn't meet them until their first day the next week.

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