The oceans blackness

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Tears drops like rain
Fake smiles that lie
Two broken hearts
Unexpectedly seen
There is distance between us
So little but so much
Black are your eyes
Like my insides
A raging fire
A blossoming tornado
Emotions on high
I smile even though you hurt me so much

I'm black inside
An ocean unseen
The tears are leaking inside
Threatening to spill outside
But I don't let you see the heartbroken girl crying on the inside
What we had
Is numb to me
A bitter memory
Sprinkled in the sweetness of salt
I make a move to speak
But my tongue is twisted
Like my heart and insides roaring in horror
I can't form words
My mouth is broken
I move away as you disappear from sight
The smile fading like a setting sun on a forgotten dream

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