Flesh And Blood

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What do you say after two years?

Hello brother, it's me, the sister that you have neglected.

Hello, remember that time I called and told you my friend died.

Oh, yes you didn't answer, not to the text or the voicemail.

You didn't pick up until I wanted to give you a piece of my mind a month later and then what did you do.

You made an excuse and told me that you were having girl problems, arguing with your girlfriend.

I told you how I felt or I tried and you dismissed me talking back about the girl who wronged you.

I'm sorry if I feel bad.

Should I console you after I sat on the couch in shock and cried that the guy I had known since third grade had died in a car accident.

It wasn't instant and like that he was gone.

I don't know what to say to a brother who is a stranger but not.

I don't know what to say to someone that I have forgiven but I have not learned to trust again.

I won't lie it hurts to think about but you were going through a hard time...right?

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