Field of roses

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Eyes as deep as the bark of a tree in autumn

Hair the color of almonds and honey

Smile as bright as the sunset

Beautiful but temporary

His heart is in pieces

There is pain in his eyes

He says you can see his smile in his eyes but it doesn't reach that far

If you didn't know the feeling of being lost and worthless you wouldn't know that his smile was false

He cares for others beyond what he does for himself

He gave and so many take

He hopes the world will reward him with her

The girl with honey blonde hair and hazel eyes

Golden and green all at once

She smiles and gives like him
Although she has learned not to let everyone take for then there will be nothing left to give

She smiles and it reaches her eyes

She's seen death

Witnessed it all

Grief and despair

Hopelessness and she smiles in hopes to make
Someone else happy

She knows things are temporary

She is bright and he is dull like a dying flame to a fire

He is tall and has enough in life to do whatever he wishes

She has enough to get by
She buys her clothes second hand and wears them proudly
He spends hundreds on shoes

She dances in the rain and he watches her

His hair is messily in his eyes, her swinging around

Her clothes and hair sticking to her

He has his hands in his pockets, half under an aunning

He is broken

She is shattered

Her pieces sprawled across every inch of her life

She needs fixing and so does he

He wants her

She is too worried about more important things to notice as he craves her with his eyes


And soul

She is his sunflower in a field of roses

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