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I'm in a cave filled with blackness,
It's Inky and cold.
I'm crying inside. What is there left of me?
I'm gone. It's endless here.
No one hears my cries.
Give me a way out,
I'm begging you,
Give me hope. I don't know where it is.
Breathe, it will be okay.
How? How could it ever be okay!?
Because I'm here.
Who are you? You sound so familiar but I can't,
I can't hold on any longer. They are all gone,
Every single last one of them is gone,
I tried my best, I really did.
I know you did?
How? How do you know? Maybe I was a bad friend?
No, absolutely not.
You were one of the best friends ever
They weren't there for you but they taught you.
Taught me what? How to be alone and cry myself to sleep
And still wake up in the morning and brush my teeth and put
On a fake smile and go to school.
What even is life without hope
I don't know but we will figure it out.
We? There is no we, only me.
Just myself alone in darkness lost and heartbroken
I can't explain to you the pain that I feel
I know
It aches, crawls deep within my bones and strangles me
I know.
Its bitter and cold and alone
I know.
You know? How in the fucking world could you understand what I am feeling
My dad left me, my mom is basically gone all of the time. My family-
They abused me for years and I don't even know who I am anymore.
I know.
How...? How could you understand I don't even know you.
Yes you do...I'm you and It will get better. It will be okay.


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