Is This Too Good to Be True?

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The alcohol pressed against my lips.

I swallowed, the feeling burning down my throat.

You watched me and I could feel your gaze searing into me

When I looked at you and met your eyes

They were unwavering

I stifled a breath and I looked so deep into your eyes that I was sure I was swimming in your soul

We both were

I stayed like this for a moment, letting myself drown in it

I looked away and I was sure my cheeks were as red as cherries

my heart sounded in my ears, pounding obnoxiously

I smiled and stole a glance at you to find you still there

I took it in

the air

the smells

the feelings

your hand touching mine

I closed my eyes and took a breath

this was real

my heart sped up with fear

all very real

and so easily able to be snatched away

I tightened my grip on your hand and we both looked at each other as I peeled open my eyes

you looked at me intensely and for a moment I was scared you could see right through me

And you maybe you saw it as I feigned a smile and pushed back the negative thoughts that tried to suffocate me

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