The void

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I felt this pinch inside me at the thought of you having her number
At you knowing her
At you replacing me so quickly
It was like every man I had ever met
You didn't care
You tore me open and I let you
I spread myself open too you
A delicate book, telling you every story and my fears and hopes

You looked at me like no one ever did
You watched me and I felt the love in your gaze

But then within a flicker of a millisecond

I was replaced
She was beautiful
Jet black hair
Dark  eyes

She was sweet and her laugh was angelic.

When she touched your shoulder and you held her hand gently, I squeezed my eyes shut, blinked and pretended it didn't bother me

I clutched my shirt in my hand instead, plastering a smile.

Pretending that inside I wasn't dying

Because I thought I found someone

And once more I was wrong

I trusted too soon

Because I was so ready to love someone and then to love me

I was so ready to love you

And you were just searching for something to fill the void inside you until you no longer needed me

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