Breathe again

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It hurts
A constant battle of healing and breaking all over again
I'm trying so hard not to fall apart
One breath
It's okay
You're okay
You can do this
Two breaths
I don't know if I can this its all so much
Three breaths
You've been through worse
Believe in yourself
Four breaths
I have to see the one who took everything from me again
Five breaths
It's okay
You're so strong
You can do this
Final breath
Don't cry
Don't have a heart of stone
Why do they get to take everything I have and everyone love them
Don't cry
Don't cry
don't cry
The tears are rolling down my cheeks
I'm sorry I couldn't keep it in
Everything is a lot today
Things are good and I'm doing better and then bam there he is
Everyone thinks of him so highly
They love him
And think I'm insane for feeling so bitter
But I don't want to have to tell every single person what he did to me for them to
That I am hurt so deeply and it's hard to heal when the wound is almost completely sealed and like a blade of steel they cut through the scab and I'm bleeding again
It hurts again
It scars worse
It doesn't heal as good as it would had it not been reopened

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