Break Me

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I held my head in my hands

I willed the words to stop repeating themselves

I clenched my eyes shut and grinded my teeth

My mouth watered for something to drain away the pain

My face was stiff as the fresh drops from my eyes ran over the stream of old

My knuckles were white

My heart was split open

Red and spilling with crimson

The world was foggy when I opened my eyes

I bit my lips in an effort to distract my mind from its own taunts

Nothing worked

I felt myself peel open and set my heart to the side

I watched as the beats became soft

almost invisible by how little

My ears rang

My stomach sank

I wondered to myself if I would ever feel anything but this

A man reached forward and grasped my beating heart

I looked up at him with heavy lidded eyes

I knew what was to come

only a single tear fell...

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