T h e M a s k

21 0 0

A vacant hole

An overwhelming lack of feeling

That's what my insides feel like

I feel the bridges tear apart and the walls stack themselves back

Higher this time

Beyond what even the eyes can see

There are no tears

No pain

But no happiness either

I wouldn't say he broke me

But it's as if he doused me in lighter fluid and  when I asked him to put me out

He only added more

With a smile on his face

A squeeze of my hand

And the promise of never hurting me as he watched me collapse into black dust

I didn't realize how wrong everything was until my hands were stuck to the burns

And every finger I pried away took some of my melted flesh with me

I could see the wounds scab over

To try to heal but it wasn't the same

It never would be

It was almost as if my heart wept and accepted  that it couldn't trust a man

And people will say it's foolish

That there are good men out there

But I will believe it when they don't take off their mask and showcase a gremlin beneath it

Laughing and mocking

At what a fool I was

Too believe

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