Wicked Entanglements

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I am angry

So angry that I thought you were the one

Tell me how could I have been so blind

Now that you have shown your true colors

Screamed in my face

Lashed out with venomous words

I see it

I see everything I missed

How on gods green earth did I think you were so prefect

So kind

So light and everything I could want

And then one day it changed

It was like a flip had switched

So abruptly

I could see the change in your facial expressions

The tone of your voice

Sharper than the tip of a blade

You seethed softly, building up until you unleashed everything that you could no longer contain

But for some reason

You broke your walls of perfection down

And everyone has noticed

Not just me

You attack and snap your teeth

And I thought maybe I was missing something

But as I tried it be kind and gentle

As I tried to understand

But you laughed wickedly

And said you were fine

That nothing had changed

That this was you

And it was like I had been dipped in ice

The truth stood before as cool as winters grasp

I didn't matter too you

It was all a lie

And I

A fool

Had fell into your embrace

Welcoming it

Not realizing

That somewhere along the way

Your hands were wrapped around my neck

And you were laughing wickedly





Had once more Fallen for a cruel creature

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