Her View of The Seasons

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It rained

Water droplets pelted against an old tin bin. Splashes echoes as a pair of deep black boots stomped. The water seeped through a young girls jacket and she whimpered. I went into the house to peer through the window

It snowed

The air with every step ate at peoples skin. Angelic white snow crunches as it was thrown across fields. Teeth chattered. Ice cracked as a pair of huskies tressed across the frozen pond. I shivered and went into the house to peer through the window

Leaves fell

Red, orange, yellow and brown dancing throughout the sky. Children piled them, parents lit them, the smoke rising until they were covered in a bright red hew. I inhaled and went inside to peer through the window

It was sunny

Heat suffocated every living thing. Teens ran in their bathing suits to dive into the cold blue pool down the street. Animals bathed in the sun rays. I swiped swear from my forehead before going inside to peer through the window.

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