I Promise...No more lies

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Its good we're talking things out right?

Do you think we are discussing the problems in our relationship to much?

If I bring up another thing you've done wrong will you declare this the end?

I just feel the need to talk about it

I'm just so angry

I told you I hate liars and one more lie and that would be it

There have been four lies so far

They were not little ones either

Things that had I known I may have rethought everything before we got together

Things happen for a reason right?

You won't do it again


You promised.

Oh wait, you promise that every time

and you wonder why I question your directions when we drive

If I can't trust your mouth, the instructions you tell me, sound like slithering snakes.

I blink

I just realized why I've been so angry these last few days

Because you lied to me


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