Mother doesn't always know best

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Mother knows best is a saying you hear often.

But sometimes you have to go against what your mother recommends and do what your heart says.

Even if it means she is upset with you.

But if I want to go to school for something or be with someone she thinks I shouldn't be with because of religion, well she will just have to deal with the fact that I am of my own mind.

I don't mean to be rude but sometimes you have to put your happiness first not your mothers.

Ultimately I have to ask myself at the end of the day if I am happy.

And I am and that is what matters.

Your mother can't find her only happiness through you doing what she wants you to do as an adult and although it may hurt that she disagrees with time things get better.

Although mother wants what is best, she isn't always right.

The only one who really knows what's best for themselves is you.

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