I Did Not Lie

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I know I have said it before

I will probably say it many more times

I don't get why the people who lie are idolized.

How is it so easy to play the victim

To cry wolf

Does it keep you awake at night?

Do the dreams terrorize you?

They do to me

I remember them and taste the bile rise in my throat

I want to scream and die

I truly do

or something close to it

Whatever will take away this burning agony

Its as if the words on my lips are laced with venom

Why do you side with the man who destroyed me?

Why am I a liar

How could I have held down a grown boy at the meere age of five

Tell me when I was 14 and he was eighteen did I, weighing 90 pounds hold down a grown boy?

Tell me how I made him do all this?

How does your mind wrap itself around the foolish tales it tells itself

I swear

I promise on what I have left of my life





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