Why Not Me

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I could be wrong but is this sadness I feel?

He is looking at her like he looks at me and I know it means nothing but when his eyes turn to me with the same look, I know.

I want to hug him and have him hold me as I swear my life to him.

You're mine and I am yours.

I will vow it.

Don't look at her like that, please!

Am I not lovable?

I've tried stopping eating, I have worn a dress that shows enough skin to turn my mom's eyes to me disapproving.

I've laughed at the jokes you've said and brushed my teeth four times just this morning.

But I suppose it's the desperation that is unattractive as you look at me like a stranger who wears my own skin.

I'm guessing desperation isn't a good look...is it?

Contemplationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें