Belief in people

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My belief in people has turned into a droplet.

I can barely believe in myself nowadays

I don't understand how even as I try to be a good person and pour every ounce into my friends they still find a way to use and hurt me

I treat them the way I desire to be treated and maybe that is my mistake.

I give people who hurt me countless times too many chances.

I let them convince me that their actions are my fault and that they are guilt free


I'm done

My heart hurts to much and I can't even find the energy to do the things I love

The only thing keeping me going is writing

It burns and digs so deep inside me.

I want to sob

I have

I will again

It's bound to happen

Every person I have ever loved has left me and I'm trying so hard to hold on to that small little bit of hope I have but I can feel my heart turning to stone

Bitterness arising

I don't talk as much

And my guard is back up

I don't know how much more of this I can take

ContemplationOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz