Hate and emptyness

16 3 1

When will this emptiness leave?

I hate it
It's a heavy empty
I feel such sadness
I hate it
I would drop everything for everyone and no one will do that for me
I hate it
I hate it
I hate it
I'm nothing but dead weight
Why would you want someone so problematic
It's okay
I'll distance myself
No one needs me
I hate myself too
I understand
I wish I could take the pain but sometimes it's too much
I hate this loneliness
This heavy ness
This nothingness
Why am I not important
Why is everyone first
Why am I too much to love
Why am I never first
Why am I always last to be loved
I could be gone and they would never notice
No one would ever notice
The unimportant person
The nuisance
I wish I meant something to someone
I wish I was important
And I hate you all for making me feel like a nothing

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