An everyday thing

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The holidays are near
There is a feeling in the air that I can't describe
It's there every year at this time
It's warm but sometimes cold
Whenever I remember that you won't be here for this Holliday or the one after
God, why?
That's what I always seem to ask silently to the skies right about now
Be thankful
That's what this time of the year is about
But it should always be about that
Because one minute someone is here
And the next there is only the ghost of their laughter and the lingering memory of their face

All of the year
Every day
Every second should be about loving and treasuring each other
Because one irrational argument could just be your last
One joke could be the last you share with them and that is something that can never be undone

Love because you love

And love is an everyday thing

Not an only when the rest of the world assigns a day or season to love, give and be thankful for each other.

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