Submitted by @SGurrl

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It was a cool winter in Katy, Texas, a small city on the suburbs of Houston. It was the last day of my sixth grade year. I was in my last period social. I was a very outgoing person, recovering from a recent breakup, with a new crush. Let's call him Bob.

Everyone was rushing out after the bell saying bye to me, because that, sadly, was my last day of school because I was moving to Naperville, Illinois. I was about to go to my locker when an arm stopped me. It was Bob: "Meet me at the back." The "back" was a place where teachers never passed by and students took advantage. "Kay," was my simple response.

I got to the back where Bob was waiting. We exchanged hellos. "Here's the deal, I like you and you like me," he said. I was shocked. Then he did something that shocked me even more. He kissed me. It was tight lipped, morphing into a French kiss. 

Months went by and I never forgot that kiss. I was having a sleepover with my younger cousin and I told her all about my little make out session with Bob and she teased me about it for a while. 

One day my family surprised my parents with an anniversary party. Sadly I missed it because I had math class. When I got back everyone was still there and my cousin had told my other little cousins my secret. I found my diary opened and the page about Bob said "SLUT" in red pen. I cried that night I didn't tell adults because I hated creating commotion.

I got used to the teasing after a few months. One day a bunch of my older cousins walked in on this and they got mad at the younger ones. They helped me become the old me again, the confident and social me.

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