Submitted by @Domi1806

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It all started when I moved

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It all started when I moved...

My mom put me in a new school, I came from an all girls' one, and suddenly boys were included. I was 10 years old, in fifth grade. The first month was perfect, my friends were the populars ones! But guess what. I had OTHER friends. Other friends who had been in my other school and changed to this one too. But they were from a completely different group. I would call them... Some type of "nerds."

I was with the two groups, spending some break times with the popular group and others with my original one. But one day, Pilar (a member of the popular one) told me that I should choose between them and the others. I obviously told this to Clari and Mili (my friends of the other school) and without my permission, they approached Pilar with this information. Pilar claimed it was a lie, that I wanted attention. And, since she was like the queen, they all believed her.

All my grade was against me, telling me I was a stupid bitch. These girls, who a month ago called themselves my friends, started to bother me about my ears. (At that time they were as big as a elephant's.) They called me names because of them, like monkey or Dumbo.

This lasted two years, up to eighth grade. In that year the school decided that in high school the two different grades should be mixed. And they separated me from Pilar and her group.

I was so happy, I thought everything was great. I was so wrong.

After two months I made new friends. There were twins in my new grade, and I become a really good friend of them. One of them, called Olivia, had a boyfriend called Franco, who was my friend since fifth grade. I started to spend more time with this guy, and through the months we become best friends. Olivia had a jealous attack and called me a slut, because I was trying to steal her boyfriend.

She threatened Franco that if he kept being with me, they would break up. And Franco, who was so in love with her, started to avoid me. (Even then, after one month of this, she broke up with him.) Oh, not only to AVOID me, he also insulted me, every day, every hour, every minute of my life. He said horrible things to me, he didn't let me be with his friends, he kicked me out of the table when I was calmly eating. He made my life like hell. Meanwhile Olivia was still mad at me, and she perfectly made all the grade (again) against me.

And then Pilar appeared again. She said hurtful things that I can't even mention now. She went to the theme of my parents (who had me before they were married, and then broke up.) She told me things like: "Your parents probably hate you, since you ruined their life with your appearance," or "Your mom didn't mention you to your dad because she was ashamed of you." (When I was born, my mom hid me from my dad, but after six months she realized I couldn't live without him.)

I admit that the worst day, I even searched "Most painful way to commit suicide." Eighth grade was hell for me. At the end of the year, Olivia apologized. I reluctantly forgave her. And, for my surprise, the next year, Pilar moved.

The problem was Franco, he stilled hate me. But after two months of ninth grade, he lost his friendship with his best friend and, of course, he came to me. I know that I shouldn't have forgiven him so easily, and I still think that in any moment he's going to betray me the same way as last year. But now, although I'm only thirteen years old, I'm holding onto hope, praying that things can stay this peaceful. I want it all to stay like this, calm and normal. And I'm so happy that I can be Franco's friend again (even if sometimes he is as rude as he was before, which hurts me a lot.) I hope that, I assure you, that my wish is to have a happy life. With good memories, good moments.

(I want to give a special thank you to Clari, who was always by my side, helping me.)

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