Submitted by @rowan_riley

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My name is Allison. I am 15 and basically live my life on the Internet. I love Disney and Rowan and Sabrina are my life. My dream is to become and actress and meet them, maybe even be friends.

I'm basically the person at our school everyone thinks is mental. I have TERRIBLE social anxiety and I really only hang out with two people. I won't say their names but... "Apple" and "Soap".

Well, Soap is bisexual and she and I are pretty close and she's an amazing friend.

I used to have another friend named... "Red". but she always pushed me down about everything I wanted to be... Like an author and actress. So I started hanging out with Soap in hopes she would understand since I had told her how I felt. But things took a turn for the worse and she ended up telling everyone I was a lesbian and I got a million questions about it.

I felt humiliated and since everyone thought we were still best friends, they believed her. And now everyone at my school thinks I'm a lesbian and a slut, because I went out with a guy that people thought I slept with.

So I broke away from relationships completely because I was tired of getting hurt. But I'm still getting picked on and school is coming up and I'm going to be a sophomore, which means I have to see them all again.

My only escape is watching Disney and listening to their songs. Right now I am TOTALLY addicted to Descendants, Girl Meets World, Gamers Guide, and the old show Life With Boys.

I'm still a virgin and have never even had my first kiss, I've only ever held a boy's hand a few times and it was a little awkward the whole time. I'm still glad I broke up with him when I did because it turns out he was going to try to have sex with me. I mean, I'm only 15.

But knowing that, I'm still scared to go back. I have a small rock tied to a chain I got from someone when I was little and it relaxes me in bad situations, it's kind of my life support, I'm hoping it works throughout these years. My parents ended up fixing it to where if I get great grades this year I can go to a different school my junior year. I'm just scared something like that will happen again.

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