Submitted by @lizzy3545, Author of "The Girl in the Attic"

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I was in the 6th grade when it all started (I'm going into 8th now). The first two months of school were great, but then October 31 came. I was just an innocent Little Red Riding Hood, my twin brother playing the role of the wolf.

About an hour before we left to collect delicious treats from neighbours, my mom took a picture of us. Then during Trick or Treating, my best friend tagged along with us, and we snapped a few selfies ourselves. 

The next day at school one of my peers, Josh, tapped me on the shoulder at lunch, asking what I was for Halloween. I responded Little Red Riding Hood. He looked confused and replied, "Jade said you were a hooker."

I brushed it off, but then people started laughing at me and tripping me, on purpose might I add. Then it slowly got worse. I got spit on, shoved into lockers, sat alone at lunch, and all my friends ditched me.

Then Febuary rolled around, the bullying getting a tiny bit better. I was at my school's Valentine's  dance. I had just got done taking pictures with my friends, who were back to being my friends, when some kid I didn't know said hi.

I asked him how he knew me. "You're Ariks sister" came from his mouth, but so did, "and you're from the Tori Whorie page." I was shocked, mad, and hurt.

I was so mad, in fact, I punched a paper towel dispenser (oops?). 

A new rumour started claiming a girl named Alanna made the Tori Whorie page. We still don't know who made it. Now, Alanna at age 13, is pregnant. I do not in anyway judge her, or hold resentment towards her.

Even though the bullying was tough, I had one person who made it better, though. To this day they always say, "You're a WHOREible person".

Remember, there are people for you, no matter what. Even if they don't stick up for you in front of you, doesn't mean they aren't "behind the scenes."

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