Submitted by @mcr-killjoy101

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I've already shared a story in Your UnSlut Project, about my friend and her bullying issues. This time I've decided to finally share mine. Like too many people in this world I was bullied. When I was in primary school I dealt with my fair share of naming calling; fat, ugly, stupid. There were a few physical instances as well; hair pulling, shoving and being kicked in the stomach. It wasn't fun but it wasn't impossible to deal with. After a few months and a girl being "asked" to leave the school by the head teacher, everything died down.

I started secondary school as a new person. I made wonderful friends and I blossomed into a bright and cheerful girl. I was incredible happy. Unfortunately what goes up must come down and in my case it came down faster and harder than anyone could have imagined. My 14 year old sister had a boyfriend. While this may seem harmless, my sister fell in love with our neighbour. Our 40 year old neighbour. Her reputation was instantly destroyed. She would meet him during P.E. (her class was allowed to leave school during this lesson - they could go bowling or ice skating). She would send him photographs of herself and even flashed for him from our bedroom window. People at school were evil and started to spread rumours. Luckily for me our school had two buildings, one of year 7 and 8, and another for year 9, 10, 11, and sixth form. However year 8 didn't last forever and I had to move to the other building.

Year 9 was the worst school year of my life. My best friend moved 5 hours away, and my other friends would try to be there for me but due to us being in different classes I didn't see them often. It was during this time people in my sister's class worked out that we were related. I remember the first time someone came up to me and asked, "Are you Sam's sister?" At the time I didn't know just how bad her reputation was, so I said yes. The boy seemed surprised I said yes, but by then the bell had gone and I ran off so I wouldn't be late. A few weeks later I forgot all about it, until I was walking though the halls when someone shouted, "Hey Sam's sister." Everyone carried on moving except for a few people who looked at me and started whispering. I remember hearing someone say Kit Kat (it's a chocolate bar). I was very confused, so when I saw my sister's friend at lunch I asked her what it meant. The rumour is disgusting, it involves my sisters lady parts and the previously mentioned chocolate bar. I burst out laughing because it was so ridiculous, however my sisters' friends weren't finished. They told me a whole lot of rumors; she had sex with a teacher, she has AIDS, she had sex with a woman, the last rumor hurt because I had just come out as pansexual and I was very sensitive about the whole situation. After hearing more rumors I walked away. I didn't know what to think or who to turn to.

Things were slowly falling apart at home and school. My sister told my mum about her relationship and the police were called. I had to give evidence, videos and statements, and I had to prepare for court. At school I couldn't get through one day without being pointed out as "Sam's little sister." The last straw was when I was walking home with my friend. Three boys were at the school gate and I walked past, completely unaware as to who they were. Suddenly one of them shouted at me, "Will you fuck me like you sister?" I turned around, shocked and upset. The other boys joined in: "Give us a blow job", "I bet you're a slut just like your sister",  "How many men have you fucked?", "Come down the alley with us", "Look at her tits". (The women in my family have larger boobs than most. Mine at the time were a double F, a fact I was embarrassed about.) I was slowly becoming angry and I turned and put my middle fingers up. I shouted "Go fuck yourselves," and walked off. The boys shouted after me, "We need you and your sister to do that, maybe your friend could join, she looks like a slut." I was absolutely furious.

When I got home, my sister was there (we lived in different houses because our parents had split up). I dumped my bag in my room and stormed down stairs. I turned to my sister and screamed, "I hate you! Everyone at school thinks I'm a slut because of you! You're such a slut! Can't you keep your legs shut and stop being a whore?" My anger left me as soon as I saw my sister's face. She burst into tears. I pulled her into a hug and cried with her. It wasn't fair, neither of us had asked for this, my sister was being sexually abused by a pedophile and sexually harassed by her peers. A few years later and that brings me to today. My sister left school, started college, found a loving boyfriend and is finally happy. The pedophile who abused her is now in prison and me and my sister are slowly starting to rebuild our relationship. Just because my sister seemed to be a "slut" doesn't mean she should be called one. She was sexually and emotionally abused and manipulated by a sick person, she wasn't thinking straight and ended up in a horrible situation. I was pulled into it because I was related to her. Neither of us deserved this. We needed help and supportable but instead we got abuse. Please stop "slut" shaming, it's not fun, it's not cool and it makes you look like a complete asshole. My name is Lucy (although I prefer to be called Patrick, but that's another story that had nothing to do with this).  I survived. If I can do it, you can, too.

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