Submitted by Anonymous

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I had this friend at my old school. We will call her Jade. We only just met and we became the best of friends. I had other friends, but she was one of my best. My other best friend, let's say Kate, decided she didn't like Jade. Jade was smart and pretty but Kate wasn't so smart and was called ugly. I loved them both.

Jade and I had a fight, I can't even remember what about. It was probably something silly but Kate decided to get involved and it ended with Jade having little friends. I was friends with Kate for a few months when we had a falling out, and ended with half the year of her bullying me.

She spread stuff about how I got with an older guy. All lies. I was 11 and haven't even had a boyfriend. All through this, Jade was with me. She helped me. It kinda got easier and I was getting to be friends with Jade again when Kate came in stopped Jade from talking to me. Jade's a sweet girl and she hates making people angry, so she went along.

Kate and Jade had a falling out and they no longer speak. Once again, I had Jade. Jade went through a bit of slut shaming and I wish I could have stopped it.

She had been going out with this guy for almost a year and they broke up. They were no longer getting along. I knew the guy because he left my primary school 2 years ago. Anyway the boy was heartbroken. A few people started saying she was a "slut."

What really started it all off was her friend James. James asked Jade out the next day. Jade had been wanting to go out with James for a while. That's one of the reasons she broke up with the other guy. Jade was going to wait a bit then see if James liked her, but because he asked, she said yes.

Now all of our year, 500 people (god knows how they all suddenly knew Jade) decided she's a slut. It took a week before they all knew. I started getting hate from Kate and her friends. Jade started getting hate from the rest of the people in our year.

Jade and her ex sorted stuff out, and she's still with James. That was 3 years ago now. I kept getting hate from Kate and decided to move schools. The school was close but everyone there didn't know or like Kate, so I was fine. I have my friends and everything is fine.

What I really don't understand is why the word "slut" is used so loosely. Think before you speak and if you do tell, and a teacher says words don't hurt if you don't let them, please don't chuck a dictionary at them and say words hurt. You'll only get a detention and they won't help you. What I don't understand is when teachers say words can't hurt you. They can.

Don't use the word "slut" lightly. Please think of a better insult, okay? Or don't say anything. I try to be a nice person but if you slut shame, then honey, I turn into the biggest bitch you know. Not even a funny bitch like I usually am.

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