Submitted by Anonymous

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So, there's a girl that used to go to my school. Let's call her Michelle. Michelle was the Queen Bee. She was pretty and popular. People had teased her for a long time, and it was sad. She would cut. She would get a different boyfriend every few weeks. One time I heard her on the bus asking a kid to do stuff to her that wasn't very appropriate. Rumors were flying that she was dating her best friend, we'll call her Brooke. They both started cutting and it was horrible.

Then last year there was a new boy, and Michelle started dating him. They were adorable, but everyone had named Michelle the slut of the school. She moved, and so did her boyfriend. As far as I know, they're still together.

Last year, Michelle's friend Brooke and her best friend Hunter were both named sluts, and they are both called sluts now. Brooke's best friend, I'll call her Alecia, started being named a slut, too. Rumors said she was dating boys and then breaking up with them after they had sex with her. I don't think that's true, but I guess I'm the only one in the school who thinks that way. One time on social media Alecia posted a video of smoking weed, and she's admitted to some of the kids in my class that she smokes cigarettes, too. I'm scared for her, because she used to be such a nice girl.

Now a girl that I'm gonna call Savannah that was my best friend for years is acting extremely mean to everyone, and is dating two different guys at the same time. A rumor said that she posted a picture on social media that said to "like" if you would have sex with her. Some girls will call her a slut constantly. It bugs me.

Slut shaming is bad. It kills me. So a message to everyone out there who names people sluts, stop. There is no such thing as a slut. If someone does stuff that you don't approve of, that doesn't mean they are a slut. That's just your opinion. It might not be theirs.

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