Submitted by @jamilacoleman12

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So I don't want to completely call this "slut" shaming or anything... but I'm still young. In fact I'm still in middle school. And ever since 5th grade I've experienced being told inappropriate, mean things about my body structure.

I started developing at a younger age so while all my friends were flat-chested I was not. And because of that I was teased and talked about by several boys I know. It still happens today. I even get told that I'm going to become a slut because of my body.

I get called a thot, whore, etc. just because of my body. I used to cry about it but at this point I'm immune to it and try to stay positive. People even asked me if I stuffed my shirt and pants.

It gets to me how people just can't keep their inappropriate remarks to themselves and can't accept people for who they are. Hopefully when I get older I can help out people who feel ashamed of themselves because other people make them feel that way.

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