Submitted by @ashtonirwinsbby

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When I started fifth grade, I moved to Arizona from California. I was introduced to the class on my first day at my new school.

I noticed that two boys had taken a liking to me. Let's call them Devon and Seth. Seth had asked me to be his "girlfriend" the third week I was there. I said yes.

And, yes, this was a young age to even THINK about having a boyfriend, but it still happened.

Seth and I were at recess one day and he was pushing me on the swing. Well, one of my friends, Andrea, came over and said she needed to talk to me. She took me over by the bathrooms and I saw Devon. Andrea left by the time I turned around.

"Hey, I like you," Devon told me.

I told him I liked Seth and he got angry.

That's when he stuck his hand down my pants. I was shocked and couldn't move for a few seconds. I pushed his hand away and told him to stay away from me.

Andrea, though, had seen, and told Seth, who ended up telling everyone.

I came to school the next day and Seth told me he didn't like me anymore and that I wasn't his girlfriend anymore.

Andrea glared at me as I sat down and whispered "slut". Day after day, I would go to school and have things thrown at me during lunch and people purposely shoulder-bumping me.

I was eventually pulled out of school.

I guess what I'm trying to say is reading this has helped me realize that I'm not the only one. So thank you for that and keep doing what you're doing.

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