Submitted by @mythowarrior4, Author of "Magic Academy"

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I don't really have a story or a question but maybe some simple advice.

I learned to never judge a book by its  cover - or people, for that matter.

When I was in middle school, I went along with saying who was a "slut" and who wasn't. Now I'm in high school and something just hit me during that time - to just stop.

No one's a stereotype.

No one is the same.

And no one deserves slut-shaming; not even the girls who actually sleep around with guys.

I also learned that it's hard doing that - to not slut-shame someone. But it takes all the details, even from the victim of the of this bullying, to get the whole picture.

We shouldn't depend on the rumors filtering around, nor bully anyone; we should just accept people for who they are, not what we think they are.

Mytha is a proud Catholic and loves mythology, specifically Greek, Roman, Chinese/Japanese, and Egyptian. She also loves animals and music.

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