Submitted by @missencore_andmari

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When I started middle school, my friendship with my very best friend since kindergarten was more than rough. We split it up that year early on because of all the fights.

I was alone for about a month before I went to my math teacher's class for lunch one day. There were two girls there all the time. Let's call them Maya and Kayla. I had met Kayla before, but not Maya. Besides the one time in math class. Anyways, we became best of friends.

We met a few other girls and created a steady group of friends. We spent most of summer together.

Early in the summer, Kayla got a boyfriend. Let's call him Nate. Nate was a friendly guy. He and I met over text and FaceTime and he turned out to be a year younger than us.

When Nate and I met in person on Registration Day, we became instant friends.

But there had to be something that goes wrong, right? And there is. This person was a friend. Then changed to a boyfriend stealer.

Let's call her Amy. Amy's best friend was Jenny. Kayla, Maya, and I were getting concerned about them. Amy kept showing obvious signs that she liked Nate and even went as far as to kiss him. Quite a friend right?

And whenever we would tell her it was bothering us, she would act like nothing had happened. And then she broke them up. How? Amy told Nate that they were better as a couple. That lasted about six hours. They "dated" for six hours.

My friend gave Nate a lot of hate. They ignored him, talked about him behind his back, and Amy even went as far to spread rumors about him.

Nate cried every day. He said Jenny was his only friend. I couldn't take it any more, so I helped him out. I found out that he was suicidal. And we were able to convince Maya to forgive him. Amy, who began hating him for "breaking up" with her, however, wasn't going anywhere. She even said she didn't care if Nate killed himself.

I do think that Nate could have done things better with Amy and Kayla and, well, confirmed that he and Kayla were actually broken up, but I think that Kayla (and Amy) went WAY to0 far with all the bullying and name calling. Nate has some responsibility, but Amy and Kayla should have handled it better.

When we tried to convince Kayla to forgive him, she was stubborn. She called him a cheating, lying bitch. She agreed, though, that Amy saying that she didn't care if Nate killed himself was extreme. But only a little.

We are still working on this, and we are moving forward. Maya has gotten on our side. Kayla has agreed to stop calling him names, and Amy is still being stubborn.

I just want to keep my two best friends. I really don't want to lose them.

Bullying never leads to good things. Just be the bigger person and forgive.

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