Submitted by @MelodyDorsainvil

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I grew up in a household where I learned to respect my body and mind and be completely confident in who I am. With a large family that was constantly growing, it was easy for me, the middle child of five, to be overlooked. But I've been okay so far.

As a young girl I was extremely shy, which made me an easy target for bullies. I was quiet and insecure so there was always one in every grade.

I would love to say that it got better the moment I moved but, sadly, it didn't.

There was a boy in my 6th grade homeroom class that I couldn't stand. He would make jokes about everything about me, whether it be my hair, clothes, large forehead, teeth (I have two extra), or the fact that I wasn't ashamed to say I was a virgin.

Growing up with parents who both worked in the healthcare industry had deeply influenced my sexual confidence. Hey, STDS and pregnancy were pretty scary concepts.

This boy would constantly bag on me for not being ashamed to tell the truth about my v-card status if asked. I knew it wasn't anything for me to be ashamed of, but it seemed like I was a black sheep for thinking like that because when confronted by others (be it a boy or girl) with the same question they'd laugh and claim that they weren't.

In a way, I'm grateful to them. They made me realize that, no matter what anyone else said to me, I'd hold fast to my beliefs. If there is any advice I could hope to pass on to someone else it'd be to never let anyone affect the way you think.

I hope this helps anyone who can relate.


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