Submitted by @Microwavable_Rainbow

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I have seen this before (Your Unslut Project), but I haven't read it until now. I borrowed the phone of my classmate and scrolled through my classmate's library to find this and started reading, then it made me want to send or share my story to maybe even help some.

It started when I was eleven and I was just a transfer in the sixth grade, I was shy, everyone was looking at me and I just kept my head low, my hair curtaining my face. Everyone thought I was "emo" because at the time, I was wearing a black jacket over the school uniform. When I went to a vacant seat, they asked my name and I said I'm [my name].

Everyone liked me, they always complimented me on how my hair is beautiful and I'm beautiful. I even had many friends. One of my best friends is K (let's call her that for privacy and she's also on Wattpad). I only noticed now that she was living in my neighborhood (I only realized it now because I'm not a very social person and I only go out when I have errands). We practically did everything together and I got close to E, her other friend.

K always pushed me around, always ordering me like I was her dog. When I got used to my classmates I showed them my real personality, which is weird, funny, crazy, and I'm the one who always makes faces or jokes around to make them laugh. So I'm pretty outgoing when I'm around my friends.

There was a program at the school when it started, we were at the quadrangle and K went to the bathroom with Y (a popular girl). Then when they came back K started yelling, "Bitch!" I was confused and hurt so I just steered away from them and went to E, but I couldn't just avoid them because my teacher would scold me from leaving the line of our class and I sit next to her in our classroom. So I always hear her saying "bitch," or "slut," sometimes even, "whore."

I admit, it hurt, but when E stood up for me I felt a little bit better, but then they slut-shamed and bullied her, too. It made me feel worse, that she got bullied and slut-shamed because of me. She fought back, I didn't. I'm a coward and I'm afraid.

Then K and Y started posting stuff on Facebook, like: "Bitch, Bitch, Bitch, Bitches everywhere." Then some would comment, "TAG!" Then they would tag me and E and it would be humiliating, their friends on Facebook criticizing us when they don't even know who we are and what our personality really is. Actually, I don't really know why K and Y did that, I thought they were my friends and I never did anything to them because I never wanted to fight with my friends. It still continued, the cyber-bullying, bullying, slut-shaming, and name calling.

Y's friend, F, pretended to be our friend just to tell K and Y what me and E were talking about. I couldn't tell my parents about what's happening because I'm scared, K and Y threatened us that their little gangster group or whatever would harass us if we told our parents. But that didn't faze E because she told her mother, who didn't have the time to come to school to speak with them or our teacher. It continued and every night I would cry myself to sleep and wake-up, my eyes puffy.

When we had a group activity in a certain class (E isn't with me in that class), the ones who bullied me formed a group while I formed a group with my other friends. My other friend, C, went with them and it hurt me because while the teacher left, they would use the microphone our teacher uses to say insults loudly. When we had another group activity in English, we worked together and without saying sorry we were friends again. I didn't think of what would happen if we were friends again or whatever because I just wanted the slut-shaming, cyber-bullying, and bullying to end because I couldn't bear it.

Even when I forgave them, E and I turned really close so that we were best friends (until now) and C watched and didn't do anything, which hurt. There are two friends that said something bad behind Y and K's back and I kinda felt okay, but they didn't fight back or defend me because they are afraid of K and Y. Even S (who I thought was also my friend) jumped in to throw insults at me. I really didn't do anything to them, to make them do that to me, and while they did that I felt useless. But again, even when I forgave K and Y, they did it again. Yep. Shocker.

It was when our section didn't have class because our teacher went to a meeting in another province, but we still went to school just to hang out. When we stayed in our classroom, K started yelling stuff like "Hoe," "Bitch," "Flirt." I actually thought it was me before she said it was my best friend, E. E asked me to go with her in another class and I agreed because she's my best friend and we stick up for each other. Then they started insulting me, too, and it started all over again. E and I went back to the classroom to get our stuff and go home, but she first went to my house and we ate brunch there and talked with each other, trying to forget what happened. They didn't post anything on Facebook but I couldn't sleep, thinking about what they said.

Then everything was okay again, even when they didn't apologize. I was still their dog while E wasn't because she knows how to stand up for herself when I can't. We still are best friends, anyway. We do everything together. During the Christmas party we were together, having fun, and K didn't go to the Christmas party, which made it plenty of fun.

Anyway, everything was fine, then graduation came and K posted on Facebook asking if she should go natural or she should wear make-up. I didn't comment and I just gave it a like. During graduation I curled my hair and wore make-up but it wasn't that heavy. E also did her make-up. When K arrived she was the odd one out of all the girls. Almost everyone did their hair or make-up or they just did something to look presentable, like tying their hair. But K showed up and stood out like a sore thumb, her blouse was yellowish when it was supposed to be white and her hair was puffy because it's dry, because she dyed her hair. And she just looked... poor. (I sound mean.) E whispered to me that K should have worn make-up or fixed her hair because she's the top 1 of our class (I'm top 2 but K just copies from me, which is unfair), and I agreed with E. Y had curled her hair and did her make-up but her make up was so thick that I couldn't see the color of her skin. Then we graduated.

During clearance, K didn't go and the second day she sent me a message on Facebook that we would go together at 7 am, and I replied that I'm going with E. She insulted E and I didn't take it well because I had just seen her reply, but I asked her why she was absent on clearance and she replied: "Sa may mga pake lang yun." (Translation: She'll only tell it to the ones who care.) I replied with a short "K." Then she posted on Facebook how thick my lipstick is and how E's face is shining and shimmering from the glitter on her eye-shadow, smudging.

I couldn't take it anymore, I showed my mom, and she was the one who replied using my Facebook. She commented what's K's problem. K said that my make-up was too thick and also said that simplicity is pretty or whatever and my mom fought back saying that she's just jealous because she looked poor during graduation, then my mom signed her comment: [my name]'s mom. I think that stoked fear in K because she quickly deleted the post. My mom wasn't finished because using her Facebook account, she sent multiple messages to K without an answer. I didn't even see Y or F or S fight or help K.

Now E and I are peaceful. I haven't heard from K ever since, but I still see her sometimes, but I just ignore her. She even added me in a group on Facebook. Now, I'm still a dog to my new friend A, she got angry at me for leaving her and my other friend because I wanted to join the Essay writing and she wanted me to back out, and I didn't follow her, which made her angrier. I actually think that the reason she got angry at me is pointless, because I didn't do anything to make her mad. I wanted to join the Essay writing because I love writing so much. My other friend O sided with A, which hurt. Just because I couldn't walk home with them they suddenly got angry at me.

Now, I just can't do anything. I'll let them be and finish the year. I just want everyone to fight back or tell their parents before everything turns worse. Don't be like me, don't be a coward. Fight back. When I can't. Don't let everyone walk over you.

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