Submitted by @XxpicturesoflifexX

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Okay... Well I'm in sixth grade. I got my first boyfriend, just a cute, petty, school relationship. The thing is, being sixth graders, we weren't mature at all. So everything was instantly made into something stupid, or something sexual.

I started getting teased, with people saying I was a slut, that he could do better, that I'm creepy, that I drugged the kid for sex, which isn't true. I promise. But it still hurts. Just today, one of my oldest friends pushed me on the stairs on the way up to math.

They also said I had sex with one of my "close friends" and he even went along with it.

My friend - well, I don't want her being pissed at me because she's on Wattpad too - my friend "Clara" really helps me. But we're kinda growing apart. She doesn't text me anymore and she's really silent.

My friend self harms and is anorexic, I really do care about her more than I do myself.

But a few days ago me and my cousin older cousin Lexi had a huge talk. My family does this "Turkey soup Sunday" and we were talking. She showed me some scars. In February she was anorexic and she self harmed. And in turn (after some selfish arm crossing and lashing out) I showed her my wrists, and explained everything to her.

I talked to my mom that night, too. I figured out that she, Lexi, my older cousin Nikki, and my aunt had all self-harmed before. My mom didn't think I was crazy! But last month I decided I didn't want to cut anymore.

Just because I love my family, my best friend, and I realized I love my life.

I really do try to be on Wattpad a lot. I may have not a lot of advice because I'm like 12, but message me whenever. Writing really helps me take my mind off of everything. And I have a twitter @ikurdyla.

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