Submitted by @_Converse_Girl_

602 23 3

I'm going to be a freshman, and some people say that high school was the best years of their lives, but I personally feel that my high school years will be a disaster because of this recent nickname I have been given: Slut.

Let's go to the beginning when I was about eight. My mum didn't need to do this, being that my dad has a well paying job, but she was a stripper. She dropped out of school freshman year and never went to college. And no, she didn't drop out because she's "too cool for school," she dropped out because she had a rough childhood. With the neglect and abuse brought to her and her nine other siblings, I would have dropped out, too. But now at this rate, where would she get a job? This really bugged her because she felt as if she was living off my father's money. So because she is super independent, she took advice from her younger sister to come work with her as a stripper.

And now we come to this year, when this whole "slut" extravaganza began. I have, no scratch that, HAD this best friend... Let's call him James. I told James everything, including my mum's job. But then James grew to be... An asshole. A straight up asshole. Such as physically bullying others and whatnot.

I stood up to James in front of everyone, and he said these exact words that will haunt me for eternity: "At least I can keep a date, unlike your mum, you'll probably be just like the slut she is."

And that is where it as started to happen, the clothes ripping, the name calling, the shoving, the being rejected by everyone... And if you think I cried (and I have no problem with someone who would cry in this situation; you're just as strong as I am), I didn't. I actually think this is making me stronger than I've ever been, and as crazy as it sounds, more confident! I'm proud of my mum, and I'm proud of myself, and I can't change the past so why change myself for somebody I don't like? I can keep a date. And I can keep my confidence. I am not a slut.

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