Submitted by @EmilyBaxterRobertson

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I'm currently in my senior year. I'd like to say that I'm extremely lucky that in haven't been bullied or harassed in any manner. I am a part of the popular group. I know that by now you all might be thinking what is this girl doing here? She knows nothing about what we go through. And you are right. I have no idea what it is all about. But I do think I can empathise a bit.

Recently I had a fight on Wattpad. It was a little argument because a member calling someone a bitch. I quickly replied against it because calling someone a bitch is just inappropriate. Even if you call her that because of the decisions she made, if the decisions she makes do not affect you, you have no right to call her that.

Also, currently, many girls have been labelled as 'slut'. And let me tell you, being called a slut is probably the worst that can happen.

And calling someone that doesn't make you cool. If at all, it makes you look pathetic. I have noticed that this word is quite popular in highschool. I see it happening in my school too. But the point that everyone is missing is that being called something like that is horrible. For all you know, that girl might be a virgin for Heaven's sake!

Just because she might have done something you don't like or you don't approve of, doesn't make her a slut. That is highly inappropriate.

What we all are missing here is that we just say one word, that's it. It doesn't take any efforts to say so. But the effect of this one word could be tremendous. It can cause some really life-changing events in someone's life and I do not mean this in the good way. You never know when a happy-go-lucky girl can change into a depressed person.

You could destroy someone's life by labelling them as 'slut'. If something happens, it'll be on your conscience forever.

Sometimes I wish I had power like Zeus. I could erase the existence of these words. Because these words have brought nothing but misery to everyone's life.

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