Submitted by @h4rrrystyles, Author of The Scarlett and Jack series

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I was young. I was 13 years old when I started getting bullied. I'm Asian, and being Asian means that you're not like all the other girls. You don't have the same types of eyes or hair or anything for that matter. The only thing we had in common was that I was in the USA, just like they were. I was bullied because of my race and because I wasn't like everyone else. I never did any sports growing up and because of that, I also got made fun of.

I feel like people will only try to bring you down to build themselves up. And for the longest time I felt so bullied, that I started to bully myself. I started to bring myself down telling myself that I wasn't good enough to play on the soccer field with the rest of the other girls because they were American and I wasn't.

I also started to get really angry and didn't understand why. I would seem like I was happy and all that but when I got home I would thrash my parents and give them such a rude attitude all because of my so called friends. I did eventually get some friends and become more popular, and because of it I started to look down upon those below me, which I knew was not smart.

My friends started hating/bullying other people who weren't cool enough, and I just played along with it because once you've built your way to the top you don't want to drop back down. Once I entered my sophomore year I understood how hard I had hurt those people and I realized that I was just doing what I had gotten from the other girls years ago.

I realized I'd be spending my next few years with them and if I didn't make some apologizes I'd have a whole class hating me. So I did, and they forgave me just as well as some of the others had apologized for what they had done to me.

Learn from my mistake. Even if you are hated on, don't go around and hate on other people too - because you're just as bad as the people you hate.

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