Submitted by @mastermindx

938 46 8

Hey, I am a girl in the 7th grade. I often go by "Taco" just cause it's in my name. When I was first in 6th grade I was a little bit shy, but 7th grade is where it really started.

Let me start with body size. Boys at my school like "thick" girls with butts and boobs and curves. Boys tell me almost every day that I am "flat chested," with a "flat butt," and "you don't have nothing." And I don't think anything is wrong with having small boobs or a small butt, boys just have to learn that girls grow at different times. So I guess they want every girl to be thick, well, they're not in luck. It's ridiculous how our self esteem goes down just cause of a boy who talks about how we look. JUST STOP.

There's this group of girls I hang out with, but the so-called leader is fake. So is her other friend. In my homeroom class, all they do is use me. When I am done with my paper, they would be like, "Let me see," and I would let them see it (don't ask why). Then one of them calls me pretty for no reason. Don't fall for the junk. If you're friends with someone and you think they're fake, and if they call you pretty for no reason, they're just trying to get your self esteem up so they make you feel useful. WRONG. That's not how friendships work. The same girls tease me about how I never had my first kiss, never had a boyfriend.

It really gets to you cause it makes you feel like you're unattractive and you're not. Every one is pretty. Don't listen to anyone if they don't like you for who you are, what you are, and how you are. I think it's time to let them go and find new friends. I had way too much drama with girls, and it should end. I hope this helps someone, cause YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ONE.

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