Submitted by @whitesocks22096

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I used to go to the main high school in my town, which was ridiculously huge, with about 800 kids or more. It didn't have a great reputation. My mother and her friends always said that. But kids from my recent school were going there and I begged Mum to go.

On the first day everyone just made their own way. No one remained friends with each other. I, thinking we were, was completely alone. My best friend at the time became 'popular'. I hate using that term. I think that 'popular' means that everyone likes you because you're nice, not scary. She was the main one, and I was the one, for some stupid reason, who she decided to hurt.

I had always had a nice figure from 4th grade, when I started growing breasts, etc. So, because I had boobs and she didn't, she decided to say that I had sex with year 8 boys, I sexted, I had phone sex, I masturbated in front of her and her friends.

I didn't know what to do. I didn't self harm. Because if I started, I would never stop. I battled with depression for about 6 months. It stopped, and then started happening to one of the girls in my group. She was invited to a party in year 8, and was raped whilst being filmed, and the video streamed all over the Internet. To make matters worse, they had edited all of the bits that made the guys look bad, so it looked like she was willing to have sex with about 5 boys. The bullying didn't stop there. It continued for about 2 years.

Then, on a Monday, she committed suicide.

I left that school and went to an all girls school, where I am happy and none of that stuff happens.

I have made a campaign at school about women being sexually harassed or sexually bullied at school. Whether it is verbally or physically, if a guy makes you uncomfortable about your body, hey, guess what? In Australia (where I live) you can get fined for doing that on the streets. Women's bodies are beautiful, and shouldn't be shamed. Embrace being a woman.

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